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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Relationships: What is the Difference Between Codependency and Interdependency?

Based on what I've observed among couples who come to see me in my psychotherapy practice in New York City, many people are confused about the difference betwen codependency and interdependency.

Maintaining a Healthy Relationship

Due to this confusion, many people worry that any type of dependency is unhealtlhy.

So the focus of this article will be to define the difference between codependency.

What is the Difference Between Codependency and Interdependency in Relationships?
Interdependency is an essential part of a healthy relationship and codependency is an unhealthy.

    What is Codependency?
Codependency in a relationship involves one partner who is overly reliant on their partner and the partner, who is being relied upon, needs to be needed.  

As the word suggestions, in a codependent relationship both people are behaving in an unhealthy way. 

Codependency in Relationships

I'm emphasizing that codependency is a two-way street because many couples think that it's only the partner who is being overly reliant who is the one who is codependent. 

But since codependency is between two people, both partners, including the one who needs to be needed, are considered codependent.

For instance, a typical example that causes confusion in relationships is when one of the partners has a substance abuse problem and the other partner is sober. 

The partner who is abusing substances tends to be the one who is seen as the problem and the other partner is labeled as the healthy person.

However, based on the definition of codependency, if the sober partner needs to be needed, they're also behaving in a codependent way.

There might be many underlying reasons for their need to be needed including a need to feel they are in control of the relationship.

It's not unusual for the sober partner's role to become even more obviously codependent if the other person, who once abused substances, becomes sober and no longer wants to overly reliant.  

This changes the dynamic between the couple and the partner who needs to be needed might not like the change because the newly sober partner might want to have more of a role in decision-making than what they had when they were actively abusing substances. 

But the other partner, who is used to being overly relied upon and in control, might not like giving up the role they had before.

    What Are the Signs of Codependency?
The following are some of the common signs of codependency:
  • One partner has an excessive need to be taken care of by the other partner in an unhealthy way.
  • One partner puts the other partner's needs above their own on a regular basis--sometimes to the detriment of their own well-being.
  • The partner who is being relied on often worries needlessly about the other partner and loses focus of their own well-being.
Codependency in Relationships

  • The partner who is being relied upon often makes decisions soley on the other partner's needs--even if those decisions have a negative effect on their own needs.
  • One partner often feels that their self worth is nothing without their partner and they wouldn't survive without their partner.
    What is Interdependency?
When you're in a interdependent relationship, you and your partner are your own individuals.  You each know that you're both separate individuals who are in a relationship together.

Interdependency involves each partner maintaining a balance between self and partner.  Under normal circumstances, neither partner is overly reliant on the other and neither partner needs to be needed or in control in the relationship.

    What Are the Signs of Interdependency?
  • Under normal circumstances (meaning that neither of them is incapacitated by health concerns) both partners are able to take care of themselves as individuals while still maintaining a healthy relationship with each other.
  • Both partners can be supportive of each other in a healthy way, but their dependence is not damaging to either one of them.
Maintaining a Healthy Relationship
  • Both partners have established emotional safety in the relationship for each other.
  • Both partners are able to share their vulnerable feelings in a healthy way without being afraid their partner will leave them because they have established emotional safety.
  • The relationship is based on individual personal growth as well as growth in the relationship (as opposed to trauma bonding).
  • Both partners share in making decisions that affect them individually and as a couple.
What If You and Your Partner Aren't Sure If You Have a Codependent or Interdependent Relationship?
The term "codependent" is often misunderstood and misused.

Some people assume that any kind of dependence, even interdependence, is unhealthy. 

This is often because they might not have seen interdependence modeled for them when they were growing up. In addition, their own healthy need to be nurtured might have been demeaned and criticized by a parent who was uncomfortable showing affection (see my article: What is Childhood Emotional Neglect?).

So, they assume that they grow up assuming they're not supposed to have any emotional needs.

In other relationships where one partner tends to be anxiously attached and the other tends to be avoidantly attached, the avoidant partner might label the other partner's basic emotional needs as "codependent" when these needs are healthy (see my article: How Does Your Attachment Style Affect Your Relationship?).

The truth is we are all hardwired from birth to have our emotional needs met by a loving person. 

Although, as adults, we're better equipped to take care of ourselves, we still need love and emotional support from our loved ones.

Getting Help in Couples Therapy
If you and your partner haven't been able to work out your problems, you could benefit from attending couples therapy (see my article: What is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for Couples?).

Getting Help in Couples Therapy

A skilled couples therapist can help you to develop the necessary skills necessary for a healthy relationship.

Rather than struggling on your own, seek help from an experienced couples therapist who has the particular expertise to help you overcome your problems.

About Me
I am a licensed New York psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, EMDR, EFT, Somatic Experiencing and Sex Therapist.

With over 20 years of experience, I have helped many individual adults and couples.

To find out more about me, visit my website: Josephine Ferraro, LCSW - NYC Psychotherapist.

To set up a consultation, call me at (917) 742-2624 during business hours or email me.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Why Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is Important For Your Relationship

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is important for maintaining relationships (see my article: How to Develop Emotional Intelligence.

The Importance of EQ in Your Relationship

In this article I'm focusing on why being emotionally intelligent is important in committed relationships.

Why is Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Important in Committed Relationships?
Let's start by understanding the characteristics of emotional intelligence.

As I mentioned in my prior article, emotional intelligence includes:
  • Developing self awareness 
  • Developing an awareness about your partner with empathy and emotional attunement
  • Managing your emotions
  • Picking up on social cues from your partner
  • Maintaining long term relationships
Now, let's look at each component of emotional intelligence in terms of a committed relationship.

Developing Self Awareness and An Empathetic Awareness of Your Partner: 
Before you even enter into a committed relationship, a high level of EQ helps you to distinguish lust (or infatuation) from a intimate loving relationship (see my article: 7 Signs Your Relationship is Based on Lust and Not Love).

When you love someone, you're no longer focused on the thrill of the chase (see my article: 12 Telltale Signs You're in a Relationship With a Womanizer).

When you have self awareness, you know your strengths and challenges and where you need to improve for your personal growth. 

You also recognize how what you say and do impacts your partner emotionally, physically and mentally. 

The Importance of EQ in Your Relationship

You know how to express your feelings, including uncomfortable feelings, to your partner and you also know how to listen to your partner when they are telling you things that might be uncomfortable (see my article: Improving Communication in Your Relationship: How to Change a Pattern of Defensive Behavior).

You don't allow anger or resentment to fester because you know it will have an negative impact on your relationship. 

Through your active awareness and empathy, you're emotionally attuned to your partner, you understand the impact you have on your partner and where you might need to make changes. 

Your self awareness and emotional attunement to your partner allows you to assess what is and isn't working in your relationship and you're not afraid to deal with these issues with your partner to make changes.

Since you're aware that emotional vulnerability is esssential for emotional and sexual intimacy, you have a comfort level with your partner so you can express your vulnerable feelings (see my article: Emotional Vulnerability as a Pathway to Greater Emotional and Sexual Intimacy).

Managing Your Emotions
You're aware of your emotions. 

You know how to manage your emotions in a health way by neither suppressing your emotions, expressing them in an unhealthy way or by stonewalling.

The Importance of EQ in Your Relationship

You know when you might need to take a break from a discussion to calm yourself before you say or do things you'll regret. 

If you and your partner are stuck in a negative cycle, you're aware of your part in the cycle and you work towards making positive changes (see my article: Breaking the Negative Cycle in Your Relationship).

Picking Up on Social Cues From Your Partner
Picking up on social cues from your partner includes:
  • Paying attention to your own and your partner's body language
  • Understanding your partner's gestures
  • Making eye contact with your partner
  • Paying attention to your own and your partner's tone and pitch when you're speaking to each other
Developing a Comfort Level For Change in Your Relationship
Change can be difficult, but a healthy relationship requires change periodically.

The Importance of EQ in Your Relationship

Part of emotional intelligence is knowing when you and your partner need to make changes in the relationship and getting comfortable with working on those changes.

You're aware that for a relationship to thrive and grow, changes are often necessary.

Rather than avoiding change, your courage to make changes with your partner will help to keep the relationship healthy.

Getting Help in Couples Therapy
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a skill you and your partner can learn.

Getting Help in Couples Therapy

As a couple, if you have been struggling on your own, seek help from a licensed mental health professional who has an expertise in working with couples. See my article: What is Emotionally Focused Therapy For Couples (EFT)?

By working on your relationship with a skilled couples therapist, you can have a happier, more meaningful relationship.

About Me
I am a licensed New York City psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, EMDR, AEDP, Somatic Experiencing, EFT and Sex Therapist.

With over 20 years of experience, I have helped many individual adults and couples to overcome the obstacles to their happiness.

To find out more about me, visit my website: Josephine Ferraro, LCSW - NYC Psychotherapist.

To set up a consultation, call me at (917) 742-2624 during business hours or email me.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

What Are Involuntary Memories?

As a trauma therapist, I help clients to overcome unresolved trauma by using various trauma therapy modalities, so working with memories related to unresolved trauma is an essential part of my work. As a result, memories are very much on my mind most of the time.

What Are Involuntary Memories?
Whereas voluntary memories are deliberate efforts to recall the past, involuntary memories come unbidden.  

Involuntary Memories

Involuntary memories are often evoked by everyday occurrences and they're usually sudden and unexpected.

Involuntary memories are more intense than voluntary memories and they can have a major impact on you how you feel physically, emotionally and mentally.

These types of memories often have the following characteristics:
  • They are related to cues in the environment. They can also involve a person's thoughts or emotions as well as their embodied sense of themselves from an earlier time.
  • They come spontaneously and unbidden.
  • They occur effortlessly at any time and any place.
  • Some people experience involuntary memories while they're grieving such as when they're listening to music or smell a scent closely related to the deceased person, like a particular perfume.
  • These type of memories can cause a chain reaction of thoughts, feelings and embodied sensations.
  • They are more likely connected to specific events or people.
  • They can provide a strong sense of yourself from a long time ago, including a sense of who you were when you were a child (or any other time) that you might have forgotten.
  • They can transport you back to happy times in your life.
  • They can transport you back to unhappy times in your life.
  • Recurrent involuntary memories related to PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) where thoughts and emotions are intrusive and disturbing are a subcategory of involuntary memories (see my article: What Are Emotional Flashbacks Related to Trauma?).
Involuntary Memories in Proust's In Search of Lost Time
Involuntary memories are actually more common than most people think. 

I recently started rereading In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust.

This novel offers one of the most famous examples of an involuntary memory.

Involuntary Memories in In Search of Lost Time

As an adult, the novel's narrator remembers long-forgotten childhood memories when he tastes a madeleine cookie dipped in tea. He wasn't trying to evoke any memories. He was just enjoying his cookie and lime-flower tea and when these memories came back to him spontaneously.

From there, he experienced a cascade of childhood memories he had not thought about in a long time.

Aside from the famous madeleine cookie, the narrator had several other experiences with involuntary memories through ordinary everyday experiences, including stumbling on an uneven paving stone which transports him back to memories of Venice.

Experiencing Yourself the Way You Were at an Earlier Time in Your Life
When people experience an involuntary memory, they're not just recalling the facts about the memory. They're usually experiencing themselves the way they were at that time.

I had an experience with an involuntary memory about 20 years ago. 

It was an ordinary day and I was walking down the street in my neighborhood. Suddenly I detected a strong pleasant sweet scent, which brought up wistful feelings in me. 

I had to stop walking in order to figure out what was happening. 

Even though, at first, I couldn't identify the smell, that sweet scent transported me back to a time when I was five or six years old and I was sitting on the living room couch with my father in our old apartment.

It wasn't just that I was remembering sitting in the living room with my father--I was feeling how I felt back then when I was a child.

Involuntary Memories

Within seconds I realized that the sweet scent was the same as my father's cherry blend pipe tobacco and this scent was transporting me back to an early memory.

All of this happened within a matter of seconds and the experience was so fleeting that it was gone just as quickly as it came.

The narrator in In Search of Lost Time was also transported back to his childhood experiences of family visits to his Aunt Leonie's home in Combray, a small town just outside of Paris. 

He had an embodied experience of that time, including how he felt when, as a child, he was waiting for his mother's good night kiss.

Involuntary memories allow you to experience yourself as you were in the memory that is being evoked.

These memories can be evoked spontaneously by what you see, hear, smell, taste and feel (tactile sensations) and they can be transformational experiences.

Although you can attempt to bring back voluntary memories based on sensory experiences or through auto-suggestion, due to their involuntary nature, involuntary memories come unbidden.

About Me
I am a licensed New York psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, EMDR, AEDP, Somatic Experiencing and Sex Therapist.

I work with individual adult and couples.

To find out more about me, visit my website: Josephine Ferraro, LCSW - NYC Psychotherapist.

To set up a consultation, call me at (917) 742-2624 during business hours or email me.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Leaving Therapy Prematurely: "Feeling Better" Isn't Always a Good Reason to Stop Therapy

While it's understandable that people want to feel better, feeling better isn't always a good reason to stop therapy--especially when there is unresolved trauma that remains unaddressed (see my article: Why Do Clients Leave Therapy Prematurely?).

Sometimes people leave therapy because they're afraid to deal with the emotions that come up when they do deeper work in therapy. 

Many of them have never learned to deal with uncomfortable emotions so, rather than talk to their therapist about this, they leave, but their problems remain unresolved (see my article: A "Flight Into Health" As An Escape From Therapy).

Leaving Therapy Prematurely

Clinical Vignette
The following clinical vignette which is, as always, a composite of many different cases to protect confidentiality, illustrates why feeling better isn't always a good reason to leave therapy:

Bob, who was in his mid-30s, started therapy after his girlfriend left him. He was heartbroken and the breakup triggered feelings of abandonment from his early unresolved childhood trauma when his father left the family unexpectedly.

Bob began doing trauma therapy to deal with his current feelings of abandonment by his girlfriend as well as the earlier unresolved trauma.

After attending therapy for a few weeks, Bob met Marie at a party.  After a couple of weeks of dating Marie, he had all the "feel good" emotions people experience during the honeymoon phase of a relationship.

When Bob went to his next therapy session, he told his therapist he wanted to leave therapy. He said he no longer wanted to work on his earlier trauma because he was "feeling better." 

His therapist explained to Bob why it would be beneficial to complete the therapy. She told him that, even though he felt better at that point, his underlying abandonment issues were still present--even though he didn't feel them at that moment because he was head over heels for Marie.  

Bob decided to leave therapy against his therapist's advice. He was feeling great--until his relationship with Marie fell apart three months later when she told him she no longer wanted to see him.  Then, all his old abandonment feelings came rushing back and he felt worse than before.

When he returned to his trauma therapist, he returned with a much deeper understanding of what she told him before he left therapy a few months before.  This time he made a commitment to stay in therapy to work through his unresolved childhood abandonment issues. 

He understood at that point that "feeling better" due to external circumstances was not a reason for him to drop out of therapy.

It might sound counterintuitive that "feeling better" isn't always a good reason to leave therapy.  But when leaving therapy is based on external reasons and unresolved trauma doesn't get worked through, the trauma remains an underlying issue until it gets triggered again.

It might take longer than you anticipate to work through unresolved trauma, especially if there was a long pattern of childhood trauma, but keeping your commitment to work through these issues will help you in the long run to stop getting triggered.

Getting Help in Trauma Therapy
If you have been struggling on your own with unresolved trauma, you owe it to yourself to get help from a licensed mental health professional who has an expertise in trauma work.

Getting Help in Trauma Therapy

Living free from your trauma history can help you to live a more meaningful life.

About Me
I am a licensed New York psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, EMDR, AEDP, EFT, Somatic Experiencing and Sex Therapist.

With over 20 years of experience as a trauma therapist, I have helped individual adults and couples to work through unresolved trauma.

To find out more about me, visit my website: Josephine Ferraro, LCSW - NYC Psychotherapist.

To set up a consultation, call me at (917) 742-2624 during business hours or email me.


Sunday, August 25, 2024

What is Parentification and Why Is It Traumatic?

Many clients who come to see me for unresolved trauma grew up as parentified children (see my article: What is the Impact of Parentification on Adult Relationships?).

The Traumatic Impact of Parentification

What Are Parentified Children?
Parentification is a role reversal between parents and children.

Parentified children are children who grew up taking on adult responsibilities in their family. 

These responsibilities might include:
  • Providing emotional support to their parents 
  • Taking care of younger siblings as a regular part of their chores
  • Taking on major household chores that are normally done by adults
  • Taking on the stress of financial problems and other major stressors in the family
  • Mediating arguments between their parents and/or other adult family members
  • Paying bills
  • Making doctor's appointments, and so on
This often occurs when children's parents either can't or won't assume parental responsibilities and they might also unable to take care of themselves.

What Are the Signs of Parentification?
Some of the signs of parentification include:
  • Children being praised by their parents and other adults for being "so good" or "so responsible" when they take on tasks beyond their developmental stage
  • Children feeling they have to be the peacemakers in the family
  • Getting in trouble with their parents when they wanted to engage in children's activities because parents wanted them to stay home to take care of adult responsibilities
    The Traumatic Impact of Parentification
    • As an adult not being able to remember being allowed to be a child
    • As an adult feeling they were given responsibilities beyond their capacity as a child
    • As an adult feeling they had to "grow up fast" (beyond their developmental capacities)
    • As an adult only feeling comfortable in the role of a caretaker to a partner or spouse 
    • As an adult feeling they have to be so "self reliant" to the point of not trusting others, including significant others, to come through for them
    Why Causes Parentification?
    Parentification can occur for many reasons.

    In many instances the parents of parentified children grew up as parentified children themselves so it seems normal and familiar to them.  

    The Traumatic Impact of Parentification

    Since they were parentified children, these parents might never have learned to manage their emotions because they were preoccupied with taking care of their parents' emotions.  

    As a result, it's not unusual to find a long history of parentified children from one generation to the next.

    In other instances parents might have mental health or substance abuse problems and they are unable to take on parental responsibilities so one or more of their children take on these responsibilities.

    Why is Parentification Traumatic?
    Parentified children often feel they are special when they are children because they feel they are helping their parents and often get complimented for it. But, as adults, they might begin to sense that something didn't go right when they were children (see my article: Why is Past Trauma Affecting You Now?).

    For instance, when they hear other adults talk about their childhood, many adults who grew up as parentified children sense they missed out on being a child.  For many people this is the beginning of their questioning why they took on their parents' responsibilities and what affect it might have had on them (see my article: How Developmental Trauma Affects How You Feel About Yourself).

    Parentification also causes the disruption of the child's natural maturational process which often leads to negative consequences for their long term health and mental health including anxiety and depression and chronic health problems.

    Parentification Can Cause Anxiety and Depression

    In addition, as previously mentioned, parentification often develops into intergenerational trauma as the trauma is perpetuated from one generation to the next.

    How Can You Heal From the Trauma of Parentification?
    There are specific types of therapy, known as trauma therapy, for parentification and other types of developmental trauma:

    EMDR Therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)

    Ego States Therapy (similar to Internal Family Systems Therapy or Parts Work Therapy)

    AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy)

    Getting Help in Trauma Therapy
    Parentification is more common than you might think.

    Getting Help in Trauma Therapy

    Even though parentification might have been normalized in your family, you might realize it had a negative emotional impact on you.

    Rather than struggling on your own, seek help from a qualified trauma therapist so you can overcome trauma and lead a more fulfilling life.

    About Me
    I am a licensed New York psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, EMDR, AEDP, EFT, Somatic Experiencing and Sex Therapist.

    As a trauma therapist with over 20 years of experience, I work with individual adults and couples to help them overcome trauma.

    To find out more about me, visit my website: Josephine Ferraro, LCSW - NYC Psychotherapist.

    To set up a consultation, call me at (917) 742-2624 during business hours or email me.

    Monday, August 19, 2024

    Why is Past Trauma Affecting You Now?

    One of the questions that I often hear from clients in my New York City psychotherapy private practice is, "Why is trauma from a long time ago still affecting me now?" (see my article: Reacting to the Present Based on Your Traumatic Past).

    Getting Help in Trauma Therapy

    Before discussing why past psychological trauma can still impact you now, let's first discuss the possible physical and emotional effects of unresolved trauma.

    Possible Physical Effects of Unresolved Trauma
    • Headaches
    • Aches and pains throughout the body
    • Tiredness
    • Sweating
    • Changes in appetite 
    • Difficulty managing stress
    • Sleep problems
    • Memory problems
    • Dizziness
    • Changes in vision
    • Long term health problems
    • Fight response
    • Fawn response
    • Flight response
    • Freeze response
    • Substance Misuse and other addictive and compulsive behavior (e.g, gambling overspending, etc)
    Possible Emotional Effects of Unresolved Trauma
    • Anger/irritability
    • Emotional numbing (an inability to feel strong emotions)
    • Sadness and Grief
    • Worrying
    • Confusion
    • Problems with knowing what you want
    • Shame
    • Fear
    • Panic
    • Hypervigilance: Being very alert to your surroundings because you fear something is going to happen
    • A loss of a sense of who you are
    • Flashbacks triggered by current situations
    • Hypersensitivity to the comments and behavior of well-meaning people who are close to you
    What Are Possible Day-to-Day Responses to Unresolved Trauma?
    Unresolved trauma can impact your day-to-day living in terms of:
    • Taking care of yourself
    • Difficulty trusting others even when you have no objective reason to mistrust these particular people
    • Difficulty maintaining romantic relationships, friendships and familial relationships
    • Difficulty in school and college
    • Difficulty setting goals
    • Difficulty maintaining a job and getting along with managers and colleagues
    • Difficulty making decisions
    • Lack of motivation
    • Difficulty with change
    • Difficulty with how to manage free time 
    Why Does Trauma That Happened a Long Time Ago Affect You Now?
    Unresolved trauma remains stored in your mind and body.  

    Regardless of when the trauma originally occurred, the impact can last for years if the trauma remains unresolved and untreated.

    Everyone experiences unresolved trauma in their own way and symptoms can change over time.

    You might not experience a noticeable impact of the trauma until it gets triggered later in life and, at that point, you might not understand what you're reacting to when you experience symptoms.

    Even if the trauma occurred decades ago and the current situation doesn't appear to be related to what happened in the past, you could experience emotional and/or physical symptoms now based on what happened in the past (see Example #3 below).

    #1. As a child, you grew up in a household where your parents would often have loud arguments at night which made you feel scared. As an adult, you live next door to a couple who has loud arguments and you feel scared because your neighbors are triggering your earlier experience.

    #2. You were traumatized during combat by a nearby explosion and after you leave the military, you react physically and/or emotionally when a car backfires near you.

    #3. When you were a child, you were in a situation where you were scared and helpless and then, as an adult, you're in a plane where there's a lot of turbulence which triggers your childhood feelings of fear and helplessness.
        Note: In Example #3 the two situations are different, but what gets triggered, fear and helplessness, is the same.

    There are many other obvious as well as subtle triggers that can impact you long after the original trauma occurred.

    Shock Trauma vs Developmental Trauma
    Psychological trauma is usually categorized as either a one-time trauma, also known as a shock trauma, or developmental trauma, also known as childhood trauma.

    Shock trauma tends to be incidents that occur once, such as a tornado, a car accident, a robbery, and so on (see my article: Understanding Shock Trauma)

    Developmental trauma, which is trauma that tends to be ongoing during childhood (see my article: How Developmental Trauma Affects How You Feel About Yourself).

    Developmental trauma usually tends to be of a more serious nature because it's ongoing.  However, a shock trauma can also trigger symptoms related to developmental trauma.

    For instance, if a person is beaten up and robbed, which is a one-time trauma, that one-time incident can trigger symptoms related to being physically and emotionally abused as a child.

    So, even when it appears that there aren't layers of trauma involved with a one-time incident, a trauma therapist needs to explore whether there are underlying traumas that are getting triggered, similar to Example #3 above.

    Intergenerational Trauma
    In addition, psychological trauma can get unconsciously passed on from one generation to the next (see my article:  What is Intergenerational Trauma?).

    Getting Help in Trauma Therapy
    Unresolved trauma can get worked through in trauma therapy (see my article: What is Trauma Therapy?).

    Getting Help in Trauma Therapy

    There are now many different types of trauma therapy, such as:

    EMDR Therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)

    AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy)

    And other modalities that were developed specifically for trauma that can help you to work through trauma (see my article: Why Experiential (Mind-Body Oriented) Therapy is More Effective Than Regular Talk Therapy).

    Rather than struggling on your own, seek help from a licensed mental health professional who is a trauma therapist.

    Once you have worked through your trauma, you can live a more meaningful life.

    About Me
    I am a licensed New York psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, EMDR, AEDP, EFT, Somatic Experiencing and Sex Therapist.

    With over 25 years of experience as a trauma therapist, one of my specialties is helping clients to work through unresolved trauma.

    I work with individual adults and couples.

    To find out more about me, visit my website: Josephine Ferraro, LCSW.- NYC Psychotherapist.

    To set up a consultation, call me at (917) 742-2624 during business hours or email me.