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Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Coping With Stress During the Holidays

Often, along with the joy of the holiday season also comes stress.

Coping With Stress During the Holidays

It's not surprising, given all the demands of holiday time, that people often feel emotionally overwhelmed at this time of year.

Shopping, entertaining, and attending holiday parties can take an emotional toll. But with some foresight and planning, you can learn to manage the stress of the holidays and actually enjoy this time of year.

Taking Care of Yourself During the Holidays
Knowing that the holiday season can be a stressful and emotional time and taking some preventive steps can help you from getting overwhelmed.

If you've had losses, like a death of a loved one, a breakup or loved ones are far away, it's normal to feel sad. Throughout the holiday season we're given explicit and implicit messages that we "should" be happy.

Coping With Stress During the Holidays
So, if we're having a difficult time, we can feel out of step with the rest of the world at this time. It might seem that everyone else is enjoying the holidays and we're stuck in a funk. But it's okay to feel your feelings, whatever they are, whether this means crying or expressing your feelings to a friend or loved one.

Coping With Stress During the Holidays: Taking Care of Yourself 

A Time for Gratitude
If you're alone during the holiday season, you can have a sense of community at a religious or community gathering.

If you're not religious or spiritual, you can volunteer your time at a soup kitchen, hospital or nursing home. Often, when we volunteer to help those less fortunate than ourselves, we not only help others--we also feel a sense of gratitude for what we do have in our lives, even if we're having a difficult time.

If you're fortunate enough to have good friends and family around, remember that the holidays don't have to be perfect.

When we have good memories of the holidays from childhood, sometimes our current experiences can feel flat as compared to those earlier times.

But we must acknowledge that things change. Rather than holding onto unrealistic expectations for the holidays, appreciate the people who are in your life now. Let go of unreasonable expectations of yourself and others. This will go a long way to helping prevent disappointments or misunderstandings.

When it comes to spending for the holidays, many people are scaling back what they would normally spend. If you budget ahead of time and stick to your budget, you'll avoid the stress of big credit card bills after the holidays.

Time well spent with loved ones or a homemade gift is so much more meaningful than exceeding your budget with an expensive gift.

Planning your time well can also help alleviate stress during the holidays. Once again, be realistic about what you can do. It's okay to tactfully say "no" to others when you know you'll be overextending yourself beyond what you can do.

Know Your Limits
It's also important to take breathers during the holiday season. Rather than pushing yourself beyond your physical or emotional limits, take breaks during the day.

A few minutes of mindfulness meditation or just closing your eyes and breathing can make the difference between your getting through the holidays feeling emotionally and physically in tact and feeling overwhelmed and stressed out.

About Me
I am a licensed New York City psychotherapist. 

I provide psychotherapy, EMDR, clinical hypnosis, and Somatic Experiencing therapy services in my private practice in Manhattan. I work with individuals and adults.

To find out more about me, visit my website: Josephine Ferraro, LCSW - NYC Psychotherapist.

To set up a consultation, call me at (917) 742-2624 during business hours or email me.

Monday, December 16, 2024

How to Develop Your Relationship Beyond the Honeymoon Phase

The honeymoon phase of a relationship is also known as the limerence phase.  I'll use both terms, honeymoon phase and limerence phase, interchangeably throughout this article.

Developing Your Relationships Beyond the Honeymoon Phase

I've discussed this early stage of a relationship in prior articles:

Transitioning From the Honeymoon to the Post-Honeymoon Phase in a Relationship
Many couples have difficulty maintaining a relationship beyond the honeymoon phase. 

In the current article, I'm addressing how to develop a relationship that lasts beyond this early phase and what to do if you're struggling.

As I've mentioned in earlier articles, the honeymoon phase is a time when you and your partner idealize each other. 

Developing Your Relationship Beyond the Honeymoon Phase

The honeymoon phase is a state of mind where you're infatuated or obsessed with someone. It's usually an involuntary state in terms of how you feel.

Depending upon the individuals and the circumstances involved, the honeymoon phase can be a time of euphoria or a time of despair. 

You might feel euphoric if you and the person you're infatuated with both feel the same way and you're focused on the areas where you're compatible. Or, you might feel despair if the person you're infatuated with is unavailable to you.

Generally, the honeymoon phase lasts anywhere from a few months to a couple of years and, as I discussed in a prior article, there are three subphases:
  • Infatuation Phase: The most idealized phase at the very beginning of the relationship.
  • Crystallization Phase: The idealization phase begins to fade and a more realistic perspective develops.
  • Deterioration of the Honeymoon Phase: Idealization fades, signs of differences begin to emerge and the couple needs to decide whether they want to work on the challenges that come up during this phase or if they want to end the relationship.
How Can a Couple Navigate Past the End of the Honeymoon Phase?
Inevitably, you and your partner are going to discover that you're not compatible in every single area.  

Developing Your Relationship Beyond the Honeymoon Phase

You both might be reluctant to acknowledge this especially if the honeymoon phase was so gratifying. But if you want to remain in the relationship and the incompatibilities aren't dealbreakers, you can find a way to transition to the post honeymoon phase.

Here are the most common issues after the end of the honeymoon phase:
  • You and your partner might discover over time that the incompatibilities between you make you feel frustrated, annoyed and disappointed. You each might feel you didn't see this coming and it's not what you signed up for at the beginning of the relationship.
  • Once you discover these incompatibilities, you might feel resentful that you should even have to deal with them.
  • If the incompatibilities aren't dealbreakers for either of you and you both want to remain in the relationship despite your differences, you can develop relationship skills, including negotiating skills, to deal with these differences and continue to enjoy the areas where you're compatible.
Both you and your partner have to be willing to work out these incompatibilities while you're transitioning from the honeymoon to the post honeymoon phase. 

This transition can be anxiety provoking because you might not know the fate of your relationship while you're in the middle of transitioning.  So, it takes a real commitment to try to work through these issues because there's uncertainty as to whether they can be worked out.

What Other Factors Might Impact Your Relationship?
In addition to discovering your incompatibilities, you might experience other factors that have an impact on your relationship:
  • Work stress
  • Family stress
  • Financial stress
  • Boredom
  • Other demands on your time and attention that can erode your bond
Tips For Transitioning from the Honeymoon to the Post Honeymoon Phase
Here are some tips that can help you through this transition:
  • Recognize and Accept that the Honeymoon Phase is Temporary: Even though the honeymoon phase can be an exhilarating time, be aware that it's temporary. If you don't accept that it's temporary, you might think there's something wrong with your relationship. If you think the post honeymoon phase indicates something is wrong, you might find yourself continually looking for new relationships each time your current relationship enters into the post honeymoon phase.

Developing Your Relationship Beyond the Honeymoon Phase

  • Prioritize Each Other and Have New Experiences: Even though you have transitioned from casual dating to a committed relationship, you and your partner can continue to enjoy your relationship by:
    • Making each other the priority
    • Having new experiences
    • Keeping an open mind
    • Taking risks
  • Be Open to Getting to Know New Things About Each Other: There are still a lot of things you probably don't know about each other. So, being open to exploring things you haven't discovered yet helps to keep the relationship alive and interesting.
  • Share New Experiences: Maintain an open line of communication by communicating with each other about new experiences, new discoveries, new ideas and your feelings about what's important to you.
Developing Your Relationship Beyond the Honeymoon Phase

  • Be Willing to Talk About Tough Topics: Instead of avoiding tough topics, talk about them openly. These topics might include:
    • Cultural issues like religion, family traditions and so on
    • Finances
    • Whether or not to have children
    • Where you want to live
    • Other topics that are important to one or both of you
  • Communicate in a Healthy Way: Communicate your differences in a healthy way. In other words, arguments are normal, but you need to be able to disagree while still respecting your partner's right to have different opinions. Instead of fighting against one another, learn to come together to tackle the problems between you.
            See my articles: 
When to Seek Help in Couples Therapy
Even though a couple might want to form a lasting bond, one or both partners might not have the necessary relationship skills to do it.

Seeking Help in Couples Therapy

This might mean that you didn't grow up in a family environment where you saw a healthy relationship between your parents. 

It could also mean that you never remained in a relationship beyond the honeymoon phase, so you're unfamiliar with the post honeymoon phase and you continually seek the excitement of that early phase.

For a variety of reasons, you and your partner might have difficulty developing a lasting bond that goes beyond the early stage of the romance, so you might need help.

A skilled couples therapist can help you to develop the necessary skills to successfully navigate the challenges in the post honeymoon phase. 

Rather than struggling on your own, seek help from a skilled couples therapist so you can have a more fulfilling relationship (see my article: What is Emotionally Focused Therapy For Couples: EFT?)

About Me
I am a licensed New York psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, EMDR, AEDP, EFT (for couples), Somatic Experiencing and Sex Therapist.

I work with individual adults and couples and I have helped many couples to overcome emotional, relational and sexual challenges in their relationship.

To find out more about me, visit my website: Josephine Ferraro, LCSW - NYC Psychotherapist.

To set up a consultation, call me at (917) 742-2624 during business hours or email me.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Relationships: Do You and Your Partner Understand Each Other's Needs?

Whether you and your partner have been together for many years or you're early in your dating relationship, you both might have different needs, so being able to communicate is important (see my article: How Well Do You Know Your Partner?).

What is Your Definition of Intimacy?
It's a common mistake for individuals in relationships to assume that they and their partner have the same understanding of intimacy, but this often isn't true.

Understanding Each Other's Needs in a Relationship

How you and your partner define intimacy and each of your needs might be different, which can lead to misunderstandings if you don't know this.

When one partner makes a gesture for emotional connection, but in that moment the other partner needs personal time apart, this difference can lead to feelings of rejection for the person who wants connection and feelings of being pressured for the one who needs personal time apart.

If these differences aren't discussed, both people can feel too vulnerable to approach their partner. The one who wants more closeness can fear being judged as "needy" and the one who needs their own personal time can fear being labeled as "emotionally cold" or avoidant.

How to Develop Effective Communication to Understand Each Other's Needs
Unfortunately, when couples experience differences in terms of what they each need, they often avoid the topic or, if they want to talk about it, they don't know how to do it.

Understanding Each Other's Needs in a Relationship

Admittedly, it can be difficult to initiate a conversation about individual differences with regard to intimacy, but not talking about it often increases emotional distance between each partner.

To reconnect with each other, a couple needs to be able to express their needs and be open to what their partner needs.

What Are the Different Types of Intimacy?
Intimacy includes:
    • Emotional Intimacy
    • Physical Intimacy
    • Mental Intimacy
  • Emotional Intimacy: Creating a safe haven for each person to express their emotional needs is essential. If one or both people think they will be criticized about their needs, they won't be able to communicate openly. So, even though you and your partner might be different with regard to the type and amount of emotional intimacy you each need, it's important to start with the mindset that you're both going to listen to each other with openness and respect.
Understanding Each Other's Needs in a Relationship
  • Physical Intimacy: Some people need to feel emotionally intimate first before they can become sexually intimate. Others need to feel connected sexually before they can feel emotionally intimate. Neither way is right or wrong, it's just different. It's also common for individuals in a relationship to experience sexual desire differently, so it's important to understand yourself and your partner, especially if you have differences.
    • See my articles: 
  • Mental Intimacy: Feeling mentally stimulated by your partner is just as important as feeling emotionally and physically stimulated. If you and your partner find that you have little to talk about beyond your children and your jobs, you could benefit from talking about your hobbies or interests. You each might be different when it comes to talking about what is most interesting and fulfilling to you. It's not unusual for two people to have different interests and it's also possible to get curious about your partner's interests and for your partner to get curious about yours. 
Clinical Vignette
The following clinical vignette, which is a composite of many different cases to maintain confidentiality, illustrates how a cisgender heterosexual couple can become closer by working on these issues in therapy:

Jean and Bill
When Jean and Bill were dating, they both felt emotionally, physically and mentally drawn to each other.

Ten years into their marriage, Jean suggested they seek help in couples therapy due to an increasing sense of estrangement and boredom between them.  

Bill was somewhat reluctant because he wasn't accustomed to talking about his feelings to a mental health professional, but he agreed to attend couples therapy because he realized they were drifting apart.

After meeting with each of them individually to get their individual histories with regard to their family, prior relationships and sexual history, they had their first couples session together. 

The couples therapist, who was also a sex therapist, asked them what each of them wanted to get out of couples therapy.

After a moment of awkwardness and silence, they turned to each other and Jean was the first to speak, "We've been drifting apart for the last several years and I'm afraid that if we don't do something to change this, we're going to live together as roommates or our relationship might not last."

Bill responded, "I feel like Jean doesn't understand that I need my alone time, especially after I come home from work. It's like she can't wait to tell me about her day and, don't get me wrong, I want to hear about it, but I feel bombarded when I first walk through the door. I don't want us to continue to drift apart, but we need to work out our differences when it comes to time together and time apart (see my article: Time Together Vs. Time Apart).

Over time, Bill and Jean spoke about this issue as well as other obstacles to emotional, physical and mental intimacy. This was their first experience with talking about these topics and, although they were each hesitant to talk about their needs at first, they learned to approach these talks with openness and curiosity.

They both expressed feeling more genuinely connected to each other--even when they were talking about their differences. 

Since they had become increasingly estranged over the last several years, their work in couples therapy was neither quick nor easy. But they both felt they were being more authentic with each other which brought them closer together.

They each learned to be open and curious about their individual interests. They also learned they were different in terms of their emotional needs. 

Bill felt most connected to Jean when they were sexual and Jean felt more sexually turned on when they were emotionally connected. So they learned to talk about this and make adjustments in how they interacted. 

Jean realized she wasn't usually spontaneously interested in sex, but once she and Bill began kissing, she got turned on. 

She learned that if she was willing to start being sexually intimate, she usually got turned on (see my article: For People With Responsive Desire, a Willingness to Get Started is Often Enough to Get Aroused).

Bill experienced sexual desire spontaneously. All he had to do was think about sex and he was turned on, but he learned to appreciate Jean's responsive desire, so he slowed down to align with her experience, which made their sex life more pleasurable for both of them.

As obstacles came up in their couples therapy work, their couples therapist helped them to work through them so that, over time, they had a more fulfilling relationship.

Getting Help in Couples Therapy
If you and your partner haven't been able to resolve your problems on your own, you could benefit from seeking help in couples therapy.

Rather than struggling on your own, seek help from a skilled couples therapist so you can have a more fulfilling relationship.

About Me
I am a licensed New York City psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, EMDR, AEDP, EFT, Somatic Experiencing and Sex Therapist.

I work with individual adults and couples.

To find out more about me, visit my website: Josephine Ferraro, LCSW - NYC Psychotherapist.

To set up a consultation, call me at (917) 742-2624 during business hours or email me.


Monday, December 2, 2024

The Many Layers of Grief

There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Everyone grieves in their own way and in their own time (see my article:  Common Reactions to the Loss of a Loved One).

The Many Layers of Grief

The 5 Stages of Grief
The idea that there are stages of grief was developed by Swiss-American psychiatrist Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross in the late 1960s. 

According to Kubler-Ross, these stages are:
  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Bargaining
  • Depression 
  • Acceptance
Although these stages are usually thought to be linear, they often occur in no particular order and they're often reoccurring. 

For instance, if someone experiences anger first, they might experience denial, depression and bargaining and a certain level of acceptance

But over time this same person will probably re-experience these stages in no particular order on certain anniversaries (e.g, birthdays, anniversaries of their loved one's death and holidays).

In addition, acceptance has many layers to it. There is the initial acceptance that the death has occurred, but over time acceptance can deepen as the meaning of this loss also deepens.

The Many Layers of Grief
In addition to the 5 Stages of Grief, people often experience grief in waves and in layers.

Anyone who has ever grieved for the loss of a loved one is aware that grief comes in waves. Weeks, months and years after the loss you might experience a wave of grief come over you for no apparent reason that you're aware of at the time.

The Many Layers of Grief

The concept that there can be layers of grief over time isn't commonly recognized.  The layers, which often go with the stages, are usually experienced from surface to depth.  

In other words, even if you go through all five stages several times and in a different order or in a combination of stages each time, you might go through these stages in more profound ways each time from surface to depth.

Although this is understandable when the loss is close, people are often surprised to go through many layers of grief even when they were estranged from the person who died or the death was of a relative they never knew (see my article: (see my article: Mourning the Death of a Father You Have Never Known).

Clinical Vignette
The following clinical vignette illustrates how grief can come in layers over time for an estranged family member:

When Sara received the phone call from the police that her estranged older sister, June, was found dead from an overdose of heroin hundreds of miles away, she was shocked at first. She and her sister had estranged for over 20 years (see my article: Family Estrangements: Understanding the Barriers to Reconciliation).

Growing up Sara wasn't close to June. By the time Sara was five years old, her older sister had already quit high school to move in with a boyfriend that no one in the family liked, so Sara never saw her sister again.

As friends and family members heard about the June's death, they reached out to Sara to express their condolences (see my article: Expressing Condolences in a Caring and Tactful Way).

In response to their concern, Sara told them that she didn't have a sense of loss because she and June weren't close. She said she was just glad that June wasn't suffering anymore.

After Sara and her husband arranged for June's burial, they resumed their daily activities as if nothing had happened. But over time June's feelings changed. She noticed that her level of acceptance of June's death evolved over time.

As time passed and she went through what was left of June's personal belongings, Sara felt waves of sadness to be missing the sister she had never really known. 

Going through one of June's picture albums, Sara was surprised to discover that June kept pictures of her when she was a baby. It was at that point that Sara realized, even though June was someone she never really knew, she was important to June in ways she had never known.

The Many Layers of Grief

After discovering the pictures of herself, Sara made an effort to find out more about her sister. 

With much effort, she was able to find people in the area where June lived who knew her. She discovered that, before her life took a precipitous decline, June liked to draw portraits, including portraits of Sara when she was a baby.

She also discovered that up until June began abusing heroin, she loved to cook and she often invited friends and neighbors to her home for a meal, including people who were much less fortunate than her.

No one who knew June in the past was sure why her life took such a turn for the worse because she isolated herself in her final years. 

But some former friends believed her life got worse after she began a relationship with a man who introduced her to heroin. They surmised that after he left June, she kept to herself and her heroin use got worse until the day she overdosed.

As she discovered more about her sister, Sara was surprised to feel a depth of grief for June she would have never anticipated. 

Soon after that, she began therapy to deal with her loss.

People who are estranged from family members for a long time and people who have never known certain relatives are often surprised by the many layers of grief they feel.

Grieving in Your Own Way
We're hardwired for attachment in order to survive as babies. We're not hardwired for grief.

Grief is a topic that makes many people feel uncomfortable. In fact, many people try to avoid feeling emotions related to grief. 

The Many Layers of Grief

Those who aren't grieving often express surprise when people who have experienced a loss are continuing to grieve. 

Many make unkind remarks like, "You're still sad about your loss? How can this be when it's been over a year?" or "You just need to get out there and meet someone new."

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, there's no one right or wrong way to grieve so if you're grieving, you'll go through it in your own time and in your own way, but it's important to make room for all your feelings.  

Certain rituals in various cultures are meant to help those who are grieving to acknowledge their feelings and come together with other people for emotional support (see my article: The Power of Creating Rituals).

The Many Layers of Grief

But after everyone has gone home and returned to their lives, you'll probably realize your life has changed in unanticipated ways after your loss.  

You might return to work and other routines but, just like any other profound experience, grief can change you.

Aside from experiencing the loss, you might also discover that, over time, grief can give you a new appreciation for love and life.

About Me
I am a licensed New York City psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, EMDR, AEDP, EFT (for couples), Somatic Experiencing and Sex Therapist.

I work with individual adults and couples and I have helped many clients to work through grief in their own way.

To find out more about me, visit my website: Josephine Ferraro, LCSW - NYC Psychotherapist.

To set up a consultation, call me at (917) 742-2624 during business hours or email me.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

What is the Connection Between Anxiety and Depression?

Although anxiety and depression often look different, they're more closely connected than most people think (see my article: What is the Difference Between Fear and Anxiety?)

The Connection Between Anxiety and Depression

While anxiety is usually considered a high energy state, depression is usually perceived as a low energy state. 

Even though they appear to be different, it's not unusual for a person with depression to also experience anxiety, including panic attacks, and vice versa.

How Are Anxiety and Depression Connected?
Anxiety is more than just common worry and nervousness. 

Anxiety can cause debilitating fear beyond what most people might experience.  

People who experience debilitating anxiety usually know that many of their anxious thoughts aren't rational, but they might not be able to stop these thoughts. 

Over time, this constant sense of dread can lead to depression.

What is the Cycle Between Anxiety and Depression?
When people feel highly anxious and they're unable to overcome or control their anxious thoughts, they often feel they have failed, which can lead to depression (see my article: Looking Happy on the Outside But Feeling Broken on the Inside).

The typical cycle between anxiety and depression can include one or more of the following:
  • The chance of becoming depressed is much higher if you're already grappling with anxiety. About 50% of people who suffer with major depression also suffer from debilitating anxiety.
  • Anxiety and depression can trigger each other.
The Connection Between Anxiety and Depression

  • People who have unresolved trauma including PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) are prone to depression.
  • Many people have a genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression so that, without therapy, these conditions are passed on from one generation to the next. This includes intergenerational trauma.
What Are the Signs of a Combination of Anxiety and Depression?
Symptoms of anxiety and depression include (but are not limited to):
  • Persistent irrational fears and worries
  • Feeling helpless or powerless
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Difficulty falling and staying asleep
  • Feeling tired and irritable
The Connection Between Anxiety and Depression
  • Changes in eating habits including overeating or eating too little
  • Memory problems
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Problems concentrating
  • Loss of interest in former activities or hobbies
  • Problems relaxing
  • Problems with being in the moment
  • Suffering with panic attacks
Getting Help in Therapy to Overcome Anxiety and Depression
There are many different types of therapy to overcome anxiety and depression.

If your anxiety and depression are rooted in unresolved trauma, Experiential Therapy is safer and more effective than regular talk therapy (see my article: Why is Experiential Therapy More Effective Than Talk Therapy to Overcome Trauma).

Getting Help in Therapy For Anxiety and Depression

Experiential Therapy includes therapy modalities that work due to the mind-body connection (see my article: Experiential Therapy and the Mind-Body Connection: The Body Offers a Window Into the Unconscious Mind).

Experiential therapy includes the following types of therapy:
  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy
  • AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy)
  • Parts Work including IFS (Internal Family Systems) and Ego States Therapy
Instead of struggling on your own, seek help from a licensed mental health professional who can help you overcome anxiety and depression so you can lead a more fulfilling life.

About Me
I am a licensed New York City psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, EMDR, AEDP, EFT (for couples), Somatic Experiencing and Sex Therapist.

I work with individual adults and couples.

I have helped many clients to overcome anxiety and depression, including problems related to unresolved trauma (see my article: What is a Trauma Therapist?).

To find out more about me, visit my website: Josephine Ferraro, LCSW - NYC Psychotherapist.

To set up a consultation, call me at (917) 742-2624 during business hours or email me.