In an earlier article, I wrote about arousal non-concordance to explain what it is and to normalize it as a common experience for many people (see my article: What is Arousal Non-Concordance?).
What is Arousal Non-Concordance?
Arousal non-concordance occurs when there is a disconnect between how someone feels physically and how they feel emotionally and psychologically.
Arousal non-concordance can occur when someone feels physically aroused, but they don't want to have sex.
It can also occur when someone wants to have sex, but they don't feel physically aroused.
What is the Difference Between Sexual Desire and Sexual Arousal?
Arousal non-concordance highlights the difference between feeling sexual desire and sexual arousal.
Sexual desire is a psychological state. It's a state of mind which is often described as being "in the mood" to have sex. Desire is often influenced by thoughts, emotions and the particular context a person is in.
Sexual arousal is a physical response which can include changes in erection and lubrication.
Sexual arousal is often triggered by visual or physical cues or memories.
Sexual desire and sexual arousal often go together--but not always. This is evident with arousal non-concordance.
Examples of Arousal Non-Concordance
The following short vignettes are just a few examples of arousal non-concordance:
- Liz and Jane: Liz feels sexually turned on when Jane kisses her. But when Jane touches Liz's genitals, she discovers Liz feels dry. As a result, Jane assumes Liz doesn't want to have sex so she stops kissing her. She assumes that if Liz was turned on, she would be lubricated. So, Liz tells Jane that, even though she's not wet, she really wants Jane, so they continue to kiss and make love.
- Mary and Bill: Bill touched Mary's genitals and she knew this meant he wanted to have sex. But she had a headache and she wasn't in the mood. She told Bill that she loves him, but she would rather wait until the morning to have sex after her headache goes away. Bill was confused and said to Mary, "You're so wet. I don't understand how you're not in the mood." Mary explained to him that her body was sexually aroused, but she wasn't desiring sex at that moment. By the morning, Mary's headache was gone away and she and Bill enjoyed sex.
- John and Ed: John and Ed were in bed when John told Ed that he wanted to have sex. But during foreplay Ed noticed that John wasn't getting an erection so he stopped kissing and touching him because he assumed that John didn't desire him. At that point, John explained that, even though he really desired Ed a lot, he sometimes had problems having an erection when he was anxious. He said he just needed to relax. So after they cuddled for a while, John felt calmer and he was able to have an erection.
Arousal Non-Concordance and Memories of Sexual Abuse
Arousal non-concordance can occur under many circumstances, including while having memories of sexual abuse (see my article: Overcoming the Trauma of Sexual Abuse).
The concept of arousal non-concordance is important to understand when there is a history of sexual abuse.
Many children and adults, who were sexually abused, might have felt physically aroused when they were being abused--even though they had no desire to be sexual with their abuser.
This happens because the body can become sexually aroused even though the person has no desire to have sex (see my article: Coping With Trauma: Managing Sexual Abuse Triggers).
It's common for people who were sexually abused to get confused about why they get physically aroused with these memories because they don't know about arousal non-concordance. They feel like there's something wrong with them or they were to blame for the sexual abuse. But, in fact, there's nothing wrong with them at all and they're not to blame.
Everyone is different. Some people who were abused feel ashamed and guilty about getting aroused by the memories.
Other people accept their arousal as a common experience and they're not bothered by it.
Other people incorporate their earlier experience in a roleplay with a partner to feel empowered. In other words, when the original experience occurred, they had no control over what was happening to them. But in a roleplay with a partner they use their imagination to feel in control and they experience a different outcome.
In that sense, the roleplay becomes healing for them.
Getting Help in Therapy
Most licensed mental health professionals have no sex therapy training and don't understand arousal non-concordance.
If you want to work through issues around arousal non-concordance, including a history of trauma, you need to work with a psychotherapist who has training in both sex therapy and trauma therapy.
Rather than struggling on your own, seek help from a psychotherapist who has the expertise you need so you can live a more fulfilling life.
About Me
I am a licensed New York psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, EMDR, AEDP, EFT (for couples), Somatic Experiencing and Sex Therapist.
With over 20 years of experience, I have helped individual adults and couples to resolve sexual and/or trauma-related issues (see my article: What Are Common Issues Discussed in Sex Therapy?).
To find out more about me, visit my website: Josephine Ferraro, LCSW - NYC Psychotherapist.
To set up a consultation, call me at (917) 742-2624 during business hours or email me.