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Monday, May 22, 2023

Faking Orgasms Can Ruin Your Relationship

In a 2019 research study by Indiana University, researchers discovered that 58% of women admitted to faking an orgasm at some point.  However, it's interesting to also note that the vast majority of those women reported that they no longer fake orgasms.  

Faking an Orgasm Can Ruin Your Relationship

These findings raise interesting questions as to why women felt the need to fake orgasms in the first place and why many of these women stopped.

Why Do Women Fake Orgasms?
Women cited many reasons why they faked orgasms, including because they wanted:
  • To make their partner feel better
  • To prevent a partner they liked from feeling bad about sex
  • To end sex because they were tired
Why Did Many of These Women Stop Faking Orgasms?
Women reported that they stopped faking orgasms because they now feel:
  • More confident in themselves and their identity as women
  • More comfortable with sex
  • Secure enough in their relationship that they no longer feel the need to fake it
How Can Faking Orgasms Ruin Your Relationship?
There are many reasons why faking orgasms on an ongoing basis can be detrimental to your relationship:
  • It's Dishonest: Faking orgasms is a form of deception. That might not be a woman's intention, but it's still a lie.
  • It Creates a Barrier to Emotional Intimacy: When there is a lie between you and your partner, this creates an obstacle to emotional intimacy. Even if the partner doesn't know about the lie, the woman knows and this often makes her feel guilty and ashamed, which is a barrier to emotional intimacy (see my article: Vulnerability as a Pathway to Greater Emotional Intimacy).
  • Sex Won't Get Better: If a woman's partner thinks the woman is having orgasms, there's no reason to make changes in the sex script to improve sex. That means that if the woman isn't experiencing satisfying sex, the sex will remain unsatisfying.
What to Do If You Want to Stop Faking Orgasms
  • Stop Pretending You're Enjoying Sex That's Not Pleasurable to You: This decision is up to you. Both of you deserve to have pleasurable sex and, if you've been faking orgasms, you're not giving yourself to a chance to have good sex and your partner thinks you're enjoying sex when you're not. Once you stop faking, your partner is likely to ask questions and this would be an opportunity for you to get honest.
  • Have an Open and Honest Conversation With Your Partner: Once again, this is your choice. You can continue faking orgasms, and nothing will change, which means that you'll continue to have less than satisfying sex. Or, if you decide you want to stop faking, you can get honest with yourself and your partner. Sure, it will be hard and somewhat humiliating to admit you've been faking it, but after you get over the embarrassment and your partner gets over their reaction, there's a chance to improve your sex life and your relationship (see my article: How to Talk to Your Partner About Sex - Part 1 and Part 2).
  • Talk to Your Partner About Making Changes to Your Sex Script: Instead of remaining stuck in a sexual rut, talk to your partner about your sexual turn-ons as well as your turn-offs. Then, ask your partner about their turn-ons and turn-offs. There's a possibility that your partner might feel badly about doing things sexually that actually turned you off, but if you're in a otherwise stable relationship, there's also a chance the two of you can work things out so you can improve your communication going forward and sex will be more satisfying for both of you (see my article: Changing Your Sex Script).
  • Seek Help in Sex Therapy: Two of the most common problems that bring couples to sex therapy is unsatisfying sex and discrepant sexual desire. When you get help from a sex therapist, you and your partner can learn to get comfortable with talking about sex and discovering new ways to improve your sex life.

Getting Help in Sex Therapy
Sex therapy is talk therapy (see my article: What is Sex Therapy?).

There is no nudity, physical exams or sex during sex therapy sessions (see my article: What Are Common Misconceptions About Sex Therapy?).

As mentioned above, there are many reasons to seek help from a skilled sex therapist (see my article: What Are Common Issues Discussed in Sex Therapy?)

Rather than struggling on your own, seek help in sex therapy so you can have a more fulfilling sex life.

About Me
I am a licensed New York City psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, EMDR, AEDP, EFT, Somatic Experiencing and Sex Therapist.

I am a sex positive therapist who works with individual adults and couples.

To find out more about me, visit my website: Josephine Ferraro, LCSW - NYC Psychotherapist.

To set up a consultation, call me at (917) 742-2624 during business hours or email me.