Sunday, January 28, 2024

What is a Growth Mindset vs a Fixed Mindset?

How we think about ourselves and the world around us, including whether we think in terms of a growth mindset or a fixed mindset, affects every area of our lives.

The Difference Between a Growth Mindset and a Fixed Mindset
People with a growth mindset see abilities and talents as learnable and capable of improvement over time.

The Difference Between a Growth Mindset and a Fixed Mindset

People who have a fixed mindset see these same qualities as stable and unchangeable over time.  

Someone with a fixed mindset who is considering becoming a business owner wouldn't believe they could develop the necessary skills and abilities they don't currently have. 

They would tell themselves, "I never had good business skills and that won't change, so there's no point in even trying."

Someone with a growth mindset who is considering the same endeavor would believe they could develop the necessary skills and abilities.  

They would tell themselves, "Even though I don't have business skills right now, I can learn and develop those skills over time so I can accomplish my dream."

A Growth vs a Fixed Mindset in Life
We used to think the brain stopped developing in childhood, but now we know the brain continues to evolve throughout the course of life so it's possible to grow new neural networks by having new experiences, learning new skills and expanding our knowledge.  

The Brain Can Evolve Throughout the Course of Life

Someone with a fixed mindset believes whatever they have developed already can't be expanded, but someone with a growth mindset believes there can be expansion through effort and learning throughout life.

What Are the Qualities of a Growth Mindset?
People with a growth mindset
  • Believe their intelligence, talents and abilities can expand and improve by taking relevant action and making an effort 
  • Believe they can achieve mastery
  • View constructive feedback as a learning experience and a source of information
  • Accept challenges
  • Believe setbacks are a temporary phase before achieving their goals
  • Become motivated and inspired by others' success
What Are the Qualities of a Fixed Mindset?
People with a fixed mindset
  • Believe personal traits don't change no matter how much effort is applied
  • Believe intelligence, abilities and talents are static and don't change
  • Believe making an effort to change intelligence and abilities is a waste of time
  • View constructive feedback as personal criticism and they often become defensive
  • Avoid challenges to avoid the possibility of failure
  • Hide the areas they need to improve because they're afraid they will be criticized
  • Give up on their goals relatively easily

What are the Advantages of a Growth Mindset?
People who have a growth mindset  
  • Experiment and try new things
  • Develop a sense of determination
  • Correct their mistakes along the way instead of seeing them as obstacles
  • View challenges as opportunities
  • Try new learning strategies
  • Allow their accomplishments to speak for themselves rather than seeking approval from others
  • Enjoy the learning process
  • Utilize constructive criticism as a way to learn and grow
  • Allow themselves to feel proud of their accomplishments

About Me
I am a licensed New York City psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, EMDR, AEDP,  EFT, Somatic Experiencing and Sex Therapist.

I work with individual adults and couples.

To find out more about me, visit my website: Josephine Ferraro, LCSW - NYC Psychotherapist.

To set up a consultation, call me at (917) 742-2624 during business hours or email me.